
Sunday, October 3, 2010

I've been working on a PvP Cataclysm Post this weekend, testing out all 3 specs. It is very complicated because of the insane damage that everyone deals and of course still only being level 80 with like 28k hp in full wrathful gear I still die very quickly. So there seems to be such a great damage imbalance that will most likely get sorted out once you hit level 85 and a patch or two of some abilities. One of the specs is pretty overpowered for us locks, I'll post the details mid Monday or so. 



  1. Sounds incredibly intensive. Have you considered a career in statistics?

  2. ultimate deathmatch, sounds like/...

  3. Rarschach: I don't like math outside of WoW, WoW math allows me the unique opportunity how to crunch numbers in my favor, increasing Damage, etc...
    Crunky: Everyone just dies in like 2-5 seconds when focused by any one DPS class. And the only BG working in WSG so everyone dies very quickly and many times cant even move from spawn.

  4. awesome, looking forward to it! cheers- supporting

  5. bah that stuff is always unbalanced until it hits the actual servers

  6. Sweet, looking forward to hearing your views on Cataclysm, before I decide to come back and playr
